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To take part, dowload the file, fill out and send us by email. Our email is, [email protected] (Send us before 27th August)

The Contest:

There are 2 missions. The first one is "Promoting the single Party Girl" and How can you do it? it´s very easy, just be original. You can dance on the street that song, or singing on the street, give mini-poster on the street, make a video, upload on youtube and spread it by internet.. Open your mind and be creative.
You have a week to prepare this mission.
The second one is create  your own album cover of Party Girl. You also have a week to prepare this mission.

In the first mission, you have to record  yourself doing your actions, If you sing, dance, make a video, you have to upload on youtube and send us the link by email.
In the second one, you have to send us the pic by email or upload on twitpic and send us the link by email.

Will be two winners. The  judges are all members of us (@McPartyGirls) We will choose the winner.
The first winner, we will send a McFlyer t-shirt, on it, is written "Obviously.." and in the back, is written "I love McFly" The t-shirt is made by us. Will send you the t-shirt by post.

The second winner, will be during all September on our website as "The Party Girl of the Month" and we will try to show it to Mcfly.
The contest starts this Saturday and will end, the Saturday 11th September!

This contest is a good way to help to spread "Party Girl" McFly deserve it.
Thanks for taking part and enjoy it :)

PS: If you have any question, let us know by twitter or email.